Right at this moment, what is your outlook about your coaching business?

How do you currently feel about your chances of success?

Those thoughts can make or break your actual experience but only if you believe what you’re thinking and feeling right now.

I’ve never met a person, who at some time, hasn’t held themselves back from what they want with a fixed mindset.

And that’s because the brain is wired for negativity as a protection mechanism.

But it’s possible to rewire your brain to be your ally rather than your downfall.

Do you believe that? That’s the first step to developing a growth mindset.

No doubt you’ve coached people with fixed mindsets to open their mind and change their point of view.

Are you doing the same for yourself or finding someone who can help you with that?

Let’s talk about what a growth mindset is, why it gives you an amazing advantage and how you can go about shifting your mindset about whatever’s holding you back right now from getting where you want to go.

Are You Sentencing Yourself to Coaching Failure?

Every week, I mentor coaches who doom themselves to fail.

Intelligence, competence, thoughtfulness, creativity — my VIP clients have all those things in spades — but still their brain betrays them.

They doom themselves with statements like this:

I’m not surprised when I hear things like this, because I too sentence myself at moments of uncertainty. It’s human nature.

But what’s really going on with statements like this?

Is it self awareness or is it self sabotage?

The mind is fixed around an idea as if it is fact, when really, it is just your brain using fear to “protect” you from the big scary thing. It’s not a bear or mountain lion about to charge but as far as the brain is concerned it may as well be.

People don’t generally have a fixed mindset about everything. It’s usually about something challenging them right now. Or, something that has challenged them for a long time and they are voicing the fixed mindset now because they know the jig is up. It’s time to learn something new and expand the comfort zone.

Fixed Mindset — Gives up because it’s hard

Growth Mindset — Enjoys the hard work and stays the course

Fixed Mindset — Plays it safe

Growth Mindset — Takes risks and grows in leaps

Fixed Mindset — Relies on the approval of others

Growth Mindset — Trusts the power of learning

The Coach’s Power of YET

Have you ever heard Carol Dweck — psychologist, speaker and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success — talk about growth mindset? I love her concept about the power of YET. It’s a growth mindset word, y’all.

For example: “I’m not there, YET”, which is similar to “I will make it happen.”

Developing a growth mindset is the kindest way to help yourself get where you want to go. It’s encouraging.

There are 6 ways your mind can be in growth mode:

  1. Be okay with being on a developmental path. I talk about this in a lot in my podcast. Enjoy the learning curves and challenges, my friend. Enjoy watching yourself grow with curiosity + hard work. There’s nothing wrong with hard work. It is what you will feel most proud of in the long run.
  2. Emphasize practice not perfection. There is nothing wrong with being bad at something. It’s the first step.
  3. Leverage your mistakes. Mistakes are the steps! Episode 300 called The Secret to Growing Quickly in Your Coaching Business goes deeper into this.
  4. Foster grit and determination. Stay inspired and make it happen!
  5. Be open to learning from others. Your teachers are everywhere.
  6. Help others succeed. Learn by doing. This is the coaching way.

Continuously acknowledge all of the ground you’ve covered even if there’s more ground to cover. Episode 311 called The Easiest Way to Thrive in Your Coaching Business digs into the power of celebrating your wins, no matter how small.

You’ll love having a growth mindset! Life gets easier and so does your business.

Stay inspired and make things happen!