Meet Rhonda

Hello Coach! I’m glad you found me.
My clients say that I have a super power for helping coaches choose a profitable niche they love.
It’s worth your time to get the niche piece right. Everything else you’ll do to launch successfully — website, blogs, podcasts, how you enroll clients — stems from that decision.
If I were starting my coaching business now, I’d forego those group business programs that leave you wondering how to implement what you’ve learned. To save time, money and heartache, I’d go straight for the handholding with private VIP support.
If you’re tired of trying to figure it all out on your own, let’s talk. Fill out the form on Work with Rhonda and we’ll uncover what you want and need.
How did I get here ... mentoring coaches?
The usual way. Angels and surprises.
Three years into my coaching business, my niche was women entrepreneurs and I was active on the board of the Denver Coach Federation. A colleague launched Coach Training Alliance (CTA) and asked me to co-author the curriculum and lead the trainer team. I also designed their certified coach program. CTA still uses that curriculum now.
Coaches hired me to help them choose their niche and find paying clients — the two biggest challenges that all coaches face. So, in 2006, I launched Prosperous Coach specifically to help coaches with the business side of coaching with their niche as the cornerstone of their success.
Because it doesn’t matter how great a coach you are if no one knows about you.
Let me show you how to choose a niche that fits you like a glove. When you target one specific audience for your coaching magic, wonderful surprises come your way!
You get noticed, become known and, suddenly, you’re the go-to person for the unique transformation you provide.
Rhonda lives in Boulder, Colorado with her husband, Seth, a talented lawyer, and Freya Underfoot, the cat. When she’s not helping clients with all aspects of their coaching businesses, she’s painting, reading or walking the foothills with friends.