Are you working too hard to promote your coaching, but still wondering where your next client will come from? Maybe you’ve been wondering how you can keep this up if you don’t get more income…

If so, you’re not alone — most coaches deal with these same problems in their coaching businesses, especially in the first five years or so. But there are coaches who have plenty of high paying clients. They get great referrals and have long term clients that pay them well. Those coaches must know some marketing tricks that make all the difference.

Well, they are coming together next week in The Easy Biz Telesummit: Summer School for Coaches — a series of FREE telecalls to help you learn those tricks fast!

I’m honored to be in the lineup of 12 business experts among some other folks you’ll recognize and enjoy, including Andrea J. Lee, Michael Port, Kim Clausen and Michelle Schubnell. Each of us will be sharing our best ideas for what makes marketing EASIER. We’re all about helping you avoid the kinds of mistakes we made early on, and we’ll share with you exactly what you need to know to succeed today.

This “Summer School” will be in session from July 11th to the 14th. We aim to make it the best “class” you have ever taken on how to build your business and attract all the clients you need.

It’s rare that this many of the top business leaders in coaching join together to focus on your success. I encourage you to sign up today!

Meanwhile, let’s get the “school” going early, and share some of those life-changing tips right here. Here’s one to start us off:

People don’t buy what they need. They buy what they want.

That may be obvious to you. But many coaches are so “sold” on the transformation they got from a particular coaching experience that they turn around and try to sell that same coaching experience, thinking “Everybody needs this!” And it doesn’t work.

Most people don’t spend their money on what they need. People often don’t even know what they need. But they know what they want, and that’s where their money goes. When I finally got this point, it changed everything about how I approach my market.

What about you? Have you learned something recently that helped you leap over months or years of trial and error? Share it below.