93% of new coaches say their biggest problem is not knowing their niche or how to attract paying clients. They are related.

Some say let your niche find you. Float around and coach all sorts of people about any topic. You love the process and just want to coach. I get it.

If you aren’t ready to become an entrepreneur and earn well at coaching that is a good approach.

But if you want to leave your current job and make coaching your new career and if you’re serious about being your own boss from now on … give yourself ALL the advantages by niching in a smart and profitable way.

That single decision will empower you for long term success with exciting opportunities you can’t even imagine yet. There are 12 huge advantages to a smart niche.

I’m talking about your life getting easier because you make one smart choice and stick with it …

I’m excited to share these 12 advantages a coach experiences when they niche in a smart and profitable way and stick with it. It’s about becoming known for something.

This is how I’ve stayed in business for 25 years. That’s 25 years of working at home or wherever I want. 25 years of earning well and not having to answer to anyone.

I don’t have to put on a suit or do a performance review with a boss. I’m free to do what I love with clients I enjoy and decide every day exactly how and when I will do that.

If you want that for your life, I want it for you. It’s starts with a stand out niche. And it’s easier to choose than it seems.

Advantage #1 – You Have a Solid Direction That Give You Pinpointed Focus

I remember how aimless and lost I felt as a new coach. Every day my brain was searching around for purchase. What should I do?

First, I went to friends and family to convince them to hire me — the low hanging fruit. But those clients didn’t stay long. And I didn’t have the heart to charge them much.

I also noticed how hard it was to get them to focus. They brought weak agendas. There wasn’t a clear enough goal or a big enough why.

It was as if my lack of focus didn’t inspire them to commit to serious process or changes. EXACTLY!

I came away with some fluffy testimonials about the value of my coaching but little sense of true impact.

And, after trying all the people I knew with little to show for it, I knew I had to start working a lot harder to find clients.

My marketing was pitiful, trying to sell coaching. Most slipped away never to be heard from again.

Having a solid niche replaced that aimless, listless feeling with certainty and focus.

Advantage #2 – Your Message Stands Out and Grabs Attention

Humans are more distracted than ever, scrolling so rapidly on the socials until something strikes a resonant chord. Only relevance stops the scroll.

How will you grab the attention of potential clients who will invest with your messages?

I can tell you right now … it will NOT happen by talking about coaching. Because only coaches and wanna-be coaches pay attention to those messages.

When you focus your coaching business around a smart niche with a unique target audience suddenly you’re able to speak with relevance about what those people care about.

Advantage #3 – You Know How to Prioritize Your Time

Because you’ve focused your attention on a unique target audience and found out their urgent challenges and desires related to your area of specialty, the spotlight comes off of you onto them.

And suddenly, marketing is no longer the big scary.

And, if you aren’t clear what exact steps to take, the amazing thing is that if you hire a mentor or spend money on tactical training of some sort — like email marketing or creating an online program — that money won’t be wasted.

When you are 100% clear about your audience and niche, it’s easy to apply that training because you already know what your ideal audience wants. You understand their BIG problems. You know why they invest in their own transformation.

So, you’re no longer throwing out random messaging and offers like spaghetti and hoping it will stick.

Advantage #4 – Everything You Do to Attract Coaching Clients is Leveraged

Over time your consistent messaging and strategic approach gains power and momentum.

Attention becomes interest and interest becomes engagement.

Advantage #5 – You Are Trusted by an Engaged Community of Potential Coaching Clients

Trust makes it so much more pleasant and easy to attract a steady stream of your most ideal clients.

Advantage #6 – You Earn Respect and Garner Referrals

Because you’ve geared your offers to fit your audience’s challenges and goals, your coaching generates more than just warm fuzzy feelings.

Your clients are getting tangible results. The kind of results you can put into a testimonial on your website.

They will refer other people in your chosen tribe to you. Not just a casual referral but a specific testimonial about how your program helped them. And that makes the difference!

Advantage #7 – Now Prospects Find YOU and Are Ready to Hire You

You’re on the inside of your target audience’s circle now. They can even Google to find you.

And when they arrive on your website, they’ll go directly to your Work With web page to fill out an application for your Signature Program — your high ticket, deep dive program, not just a package of coaching sessions.

Advantage #8 – You Know How to Effectively Enroll Coaching Clients Without Being Salesy

Enrolling is easy now. There’s no convincing. In a connective conversation your ideal prospects say “YES”!

Advantage #9 – You Command Higher Fees and Earn More Profits

You’re a thought leader now — a sought-after guide. Before you share your Signature Program prices with prospects they know it will be a significant investment in their growth and they’re ready to leap.

Advantage #10 – It’s Easier to Create Irresistible Products & Programs

When you repeatedly coach people in one unique target audience around the same set of unique challenges and goals, you grow expertise quickly.

And it’s easy to turn that expertise into workshops, masterminds, retreats, books and online products. The knowledge and insights are all right there in your mind waiting to be tapped.

Advantage #11 – Big Opportunities Find You

The natural result of your commitment and focus on one smart niche and narrow audience is the right kind of opportunities. Invitations to speak. Nominations to lead a larger group.

It’s surprise time. Your zone of genius is fully awakened and alive!

Opportunities like this don’t show up if you’re a tiny voice in a sea of voices all saying the same basic thing – selling a type of coaching.

Advantage #12 – Your Legacy is Building Day by Day

Well known coaches have been sponsored, televised and awarded all because they had the courage to niche, specialize and become an advocate for one narrow audience.

That’s how coaches contribute to their families and their communities in major ways.

Some coaches build a business that employs dozens or hundreds. A business that can be sold for a windfall. And, it all starts with a smart & profitable niche. If you want help with that first, critical step, let’s brainstorm and nail your niche together. Grab a Nail Your Niche 90 minute session with me. Read more and sign up here: